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MoveDID Contract(TODO: update)

See Source Files in:

0x00 Function Summary Table

Module/Function NameModifierArgs
initpublic entry funacct: &signer, type: u64, description: String
create_addr_aggregatorpublic entry funacct: &signer, type: u64, description: String
update_addr_aggregator_descriptionpublic entry funacct: &signer, description: String
add_addrpublic entry funacct: &signer, addr_type: u64, addr: String, pubkey: String, chains: vector<String>, description: String, expire_second : u64
do_add_addrfunaddr_aggr: &mut AddrAggregator,send_addr : address, addr_type: u64, addr: String, pubkey: String, chains: vector<String>, description: String, expire_second : u64
batch_add_addrspublic entry funacct: &signer, addrs: vector<String>, addr_types: vector<u64>, pubkeys: vector<String>, chains_vec: vector<vector<String>>, descriptions: vector<String>, expire_seconds: vector<u64>
exist_addr_by_mapfunaddr_infos_map: &mut Table<String, AddrInfo>, addr: String
update_eth_addrpublic entry fun(acct: &signer, addr: String, signature: String)
update_aptos_addrpublic entry fun(acct: &signer, addr: String, signature: String)
update_addr_info_with_chains_and_descriptionpublic entry fun
update_addr_info_for_non_verificationpublic entry funacct: &signer, addr: String, chains: vector<String>, description: String
delete_addrpublic entry funacct: &signer, addr: String
update_addrpublic(friend) fun
* friend my_addr::addr_aggregator
addr_info: &mut AddrInfo, signature: &mut String
update_addrpublic(friend) fun
* friend my_addr::addr_aggregator
addr_info: &mut AddrInfo, signature: &mut String
verify_eth_sigpublic fun
pubkey_to_addressfunpk_bytes: vector<u8>
init_addr_infopublic fun // TODO:check?
set_sign_and_updated_at// TODO: check?
update_addr_info_with_chains_and_description// TODO: check?
update_addr_info_for_non_verification// TODO: check?
create_service_aggregatorpublic entry funacct: &signer
add_servicepublic entry funacct: &signer, name: String, url: String, description: String, verification_url: String, expire_second: u64
do_add_servicefunservice_aggr: &mut ServiceAggregator, name: String, url: String, description: String, verification_url: String, expire_second: u64
batch_add_servicespublic entry funacct: &signer, names: vector<String>, urls: vector<String>, descriptions : vector<String>, verification_urls: vector<String>, expire_second_vec: vector<u64>
update_servicepublic entry funacct: &signer, name: String, new_description: String, new_url: String, new_verification_url: String
delete_servicepublic entry funacct: &signer, name: String

0x01 ABI Documentation of MoveDID

In the Aptos Move contract(modules), methods marked as public entry fun are publicly accessible.

The main entry in the MoveDID contract are two modules:

the addr_aggregator module and the service_aggregator module.

1.1 Addr Aggregator

Namespace: my_addr::addr_aggregator

1.1.1 Functions about Addr Aggregator

  • create_addr_aggregator(acct: &signer, type: u64, description: String)

    func description:

    Create the resource addr aggregator. The struct of addr aggregator:

    struct AddrAggregator has key {
    key_addr: address,
    addr_infos_map: Table<String, AddrInfo>,
    addrs: vector<String>,
    type: u64,
    description: String,
    max_id: u64,
    add_addr_event_set: AddAddrEventSet,
    update_addr_signature_event_set: UpdateAddrSignatureEventSet,
    update_addr_event_set: UpdateAddrEventSet,
    delete_addr_event_set: DeleteAddrEventSet,

    params description:

    • description: the description of did.
    • type: to distinct diffrent subjects of did: HUMAN -- 0, ORG -- 1, ROBOT -- 2.
  • update_addr_aggregator_description(acct: &signer, description: String)

    params description:

    • description: the description of did.

1.1.2 Functions about Addr

  • add_addr(acct: &signer, addr_type: u64, addr: String, pubkey: String, chains: vector<String>, description: String)

    func description:

    Add a new addr. The addr without signature can be used as deposit address,

    params description:

    • addr_type: Ethereum -- 0, Aptos --1.
    • addr: the address you would like to add to did, it should be begin with 0x.
    • pubkey: using in key-pairs that can not recovery pubkey from signature.
    • chains: where do you use this addr on? for example: ["ethereum", "polygon"]
    • description: the description of the addr you added.
  • update_eth_addr(acct: &signer, addr: String, signature: String)

    func description:

    Update the eth addr that add by add_addr, the msg can be saw in AddrAggregator resource.

    The address updated with sig could use in more scenes.

  • update_aptos_addr(acct: &signer, addr: String, signature: String)

    func description:

    same as update-eth-addr.

  • update_addr_info_with_chains_and_description(acct: &signer, addr: String, chains: vector<String>, description: String)

    func description:

    update addr info with the chains and description.

  • update_addr_info_for_non_verification(acct: &signer, addr: String, chains: vector<String>, description: String)

    func description:

    It's able to update the addr info that is non verification, such as the token receiver address.

  • delete_addr(acct: &signer, addr: String)

    func description:

    delete addr that is added.

  • batch_add_addrs(acct: &signer, addrs: vector<String>, addr_infos: vector<AddrInfo>)

    func description:

    add addrs in batch way!

1.2 Service Aggregator

Namespace: my_addr::service_aggregator

  • create_service_aggregator(acct: &signer)

    func description:

    Create the resource addr aggregator. The struct of addr aggregator:

    struct Service has store, copy, drop {
    url: String,
    description: String,
    verification_url: String

    struct ServiceAggregator has key {
    key_addr: address,
    services_map: Table<String, Service>,
    names: vector<String>,
    add_service_event_set: AddServiceEventSet,
    update_service_event_set: UpdateServiceEventSet,
    delete_service_event_set: DeleteServiceEventSet,
  • add_service(acct: &signer, url: String, description: String, verification_url: String)

    func description:

    Add a new service. It's optional to verify the service by msg and verification_url. For example, verify the github account by gist with msg.

    params description:

    • url: the link of service url.

    • description: the description of service

    • verification_url: the link of verification of url, the key addr is the msg for payload.

  • update_service(acct: &signer, url: String, new_description: String, new_url: String, new_verification_url: String)

    func description:

    Update the eth service that indexed by the url.

  • delete_service(acct: &signer, url: String)

    func description:

    delete service that is added.

  • batch_add_services(acct: &signer, names: vector<String>, services: vector<Service> )

1.3 Addr-*

Namespace: my_addr::addr-*, such as:my_addr:addr-aptos

Impl addr-* module to support more type of address!

  • update_addr(addr_info: &mut AddrInfo, signature: &mut String)

    type: public func

    update addr with signature.

  • update_*_addr(acct: &signer, addr: String, signature: String)

    update addr func that can be called by signer.

1.4 Init


  • init(acct: &signer, type: u64, description: String)

    func description:

    Init addr_aggregator and service_aggregator in one func.

0x02 Quick Deployment Guide

Aptos CLI version >=1.0.0

see the latest official guide in:

  • step 0x01: run a local testnet
aptos node run-local-testnet --with-faucet
  • step 0x02: create an account
aptos init --profile local --rest-url http://localhost:8080 --faucet-url http://localhost:8081
export PROFILE=local

Tips -- reset local network

aptos node run-local-testnet --with-faucet --force-restart
  • step 0x03: get faucet(devnet)
aptos account fund-with-faucet --profile $PROFILE --account $PROFILE
  • step 0x04: compile contract
aptos move compile --package-dir [path]/MoveDID/did-aptos --named-addresses my_addr=$PROFILE
  • step 0x05: deploy
aptos move publish --package-dir [path]/MoveDID/did-aptos --named-addresses my_addr=$PROFILE --profile $PROFILE

0x03 Prover of MoveDID

see in all the files that ended with spec.move.